> Treatments > Massage harmonie du ventre

Massage harmonie du ventre

Massage combining palpation-rolling and pressure to loosen the abdominal muscles, help effectively get rid of toxins, improve the quality of breathing, facilitate digestion and provide relief from the pain of irritable bowel syndrome.

59 €
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Description of the treatment

Around the navel is tied (and undone) all our emotional history, seat of many tensions.

Belly massage is a massage of boosting energy, massage of internal organs.

Palpating-rolling and marine magnesium oil loosen the tensions accumulated in the stomach. To find a digestive comfort, but also breathe better.

Benefits of care

The objectives of belly massage are many :

- Loosen the abdominal muscles to improve body relaxation. The use of the neuromuscular action of marine Magnesium makes it possible to multiply the mechanical relaxation exerted by the pressures of the massage maneuvers on the muscles.

- Help to effectively get rid of toxins by the movements imprinted on the lymphatic system. The delicate pressures allow the abdominal lymph nodes to be emptied.

- Improve the breathing quality by accompanying the inspirations and expirations manually. The aim here is to relearn the comfort of abdominal breathing in order to reduce stress and anxiety.

- Facilitate digestion : respond to problems related to the constipation or to bloating via a manual aid to the peristaltic movements of the intestine, massaging in a clockwise direction.

- Provide relief from pain irritable bowel syndrome (functional colopathy) which affects approximately 9 million French people (with a female preponderance). Of multifactorial origin, this syndrome represents 50% of gastroenterology consultations.

Our thalasso treatment expertise

The maneuvers performed by the therapist are synchronized with the breath. The massage is made of sliding pressures, stretching and effleurages

Duration: 25 mins

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