> Treatments > Garra rufa - Fish manucure

Garra rufa - Fish manucure

Small fish that reproduce the effect of a scrub on the skin of the hands. A natural manicure, without product and without rasp.

29 €
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Description of the treatment

The fish manicure by Côté Thalasso calls on the Garra Rufa, small fish fond of our dead skin.

These fish reproduce on the skin the effect of a scrub which has the advantage of being natural, without product and without grater. A real manicure, without pain! You will find soft-skinned hands and brand new. Stripped of their dead skin.

The contact between your hands and these small fish provides a feeling of relaxation. The skin is softened and blood circulation improved.

Benefits of care

  • soft hand skin
  • activates blood circulation
  • pleasant hand feeling

Our thalasso treatment expertise

We have carefully selected this species of small fish, respectful of your skin.

The maintenance of our "aquariums" in which you plunge your hands, guarantees you a care in the most complete hygiene.

Duration: 20 mins

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